No, It's Not Just a Headache!
Learn all about what causes migraines and what you can do to prevent them!

Did you know that more than 37 million Americans suffer from migraines?
Migraines are often localized in a specific area and are sometimes accompanied by sensitivity to light, sound, and movement. Other symptoms can include nausea and vomiting. Many people describe a pulsing or throbbing deep in the head. One thing we can all agree on: they are no fun!
Migraines are considered a chronic condition often brought on by outside influences. They are more common in women, and up to 91% of migraine sufferers report inability to work or socialize.
Most physicians prescribe prescription drugs such as beta-blockers but they only ask the symptoms and offer temporary relief. If you want to say goodbye to migraines for good, then you need to identify and correct the underlying cause.
There are two typical kinds of migraines. Migraines with aura commonly begins with visual disturbances. The next symptoms can be numbness and tingling in the lips and lower face. Some sufferers report numbness and temporary paralysis on one side of the body. Auras usually only last the first hour and the migraine can persist for up to 24 hours. Around 80% of patients report migraines without aura. These may be preceded by mood changes and fatigue, as well as nausea and vomiting. This kind of migraine can last as long as three or four days.
Migraines can be triggered by a number of things: hormonal changes, thyroid disorder, food additives, vitamin deficiency, food allergies, missed meals, lack of sleep, stress, changes in weather or altitude, and strong odors. Migraines have also been found to have a correlation with depression, anxiety and cardiovascular disease.
At Radiance we rely on functional medicine to determine the cause of your migraines, not just identify the symptoms. You already KNOW the symptoms! Our medical staff includes Dr. Tamyra Comeaux, board certified Ob/Gyn and Naturopath. She will conduct extensive hormone tests to determine if hormone imbalance is causing your migraines. Thyroid testing may give you some answers, too. We all have food sensitivities and vitamin deficiencies that we can be completely unaware of, and we have excellent comprehensive tests for these as well.
Meanwhile, do what you can to minimize your risk for migraines. Get plenty of sleep, try to de-stress using meditation, prayer, or time in nature. A good walk in the park can do wonders for stress and offer a little exercise as well. Avoid food additives such as MSG and nitrates. Don’t overdo the caffeine or alcohol. And call Radiance to make an appointment to see Dr. Comeaux. Let’s put an end to these debilitating migraines!